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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 43(4); 2013 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2013;43(4): 267-273.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2013.43.4.267
ISSR 분석으로 살펴본 애기등의 유전적 다양성
김나래 , 김용인 , 이정훈 , 김영동
Genetic diversity of Millettia japonica in Korea as revealed by ISSR analysis
Na Rae Kim, Yong In Kim, Jung Hoon Lee, Yong Dong Kim
This study employed inter-simple-sequence repeat (ISSR) to assess genetic variation among 189 individuals representing 10 populations (nine in Korea and one in Japan) of Millettia japonica, which has recently been lifted from the endangered species of Korea. The calculated Shannon`s information index value (I = 0.2689) of the species was appreciable and was higher than other endangered leguminous woody taxa. Gochang (I = 0.2968), Namhae (I = 0.2951), and Mt. Toham (I = 0.2823) populations showed relatively high genetic diversity, whereas the Kyushu (in Japan) population (I = 0.2487) exhibited the lowest. The results of an analysis of molecular variance indicated that 86.49% of the diversity was attributed to within populations, and 13.51% to differences among populations, suggesting that M. japonica populations do not have significant geographic differentiation and that the gene flow between populations exists to some extent (Nm = 1.8446). Continuous habitat monitoring should be conducted to conserve genetic diversity of M. japonica, particularly for those populations with relatively high genetic diversity. Selection of many individuals from the populations in Gochang, Namhae, and Mt. Toham is thought to be an appropriate strategy for ex situ conservation of M. japonica in Korea.
KeyWords: ISSR, Millettia japonica, endangered species, conservation, ISSR, genetic diversity
주요어: 애기등, 멸종위기종, 보전, 유전다양도
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