Instructions for Authors | > For Authors and Reviewers > Instructions for Authors

(Enacted in June, 1969; revised in March, 2019)
Aims and Scope
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy is an international open access scientific journal to propagate new findings on plant taxonomy, systematics, molecular phylogenetics, evolution, biodiversity, conservation biology, ecology, and population genetics of plants. pISSN: 1225-8318, eISSN: 2466-1546.
Full text
Full text is available freely at and Total or a part of the articles in this journal are abstracted in Korea Science Citation Index (,, and Korea Citation Index (
Submission of Manuscript
Contributors should submit original manuscripts to General procedure to use the on-line KJPT Editorial Manager website can be found in “How to Submit a Manuscript” at the homepage of the website.
Author's Check List
• Membership in KJPT (Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy) is required for at least one author from date of manuscript submission through to publication. Not a member? Sign up on our online membership application site or contact the KJPT Business Office to join now (
• Read “Instructions for Authors” in the most recent issue or at the on-line KJPT Editorial Manager website (
• Final acceptance of manuscript for publication is decided in Editorial Board based on suggestion by reviewers.
• Manuscript significantly lacking novelty and quality and irrelevant to the aims and scope of this journal may be returned without review.
• Manuscript that does not follow this guideline may be returned without review and asked to resubmit.
• Copyright Transfer Form should be submitted when the manuscript first submitted. Copyright Transfer Form is available at the KJPT Editorial Manager website. The form must be signed and dated by an author, scanned, and submitted.
• Authors should read and comply “Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy CODE OF RESEARCH ETHICS & Author Guidelines for Evaluating Sex and Gender Analysis in Manuscript” available on any issue of the journal and the KJPT Editorial Manager website.
Peer Review Process
All manuscripts are peer-reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers solicited by the editor. Authors are welcome to include suggested reviewers when the manuscript is submitted. Review status of the manuscript is posted on the KJPT Editorial Manager website. Decision letter along with reviewers’ comments will be sent to the corresponding author when the editor’s decision is made whether it is to accept, request minor revision, request major revision, request revision and resubmit, or reject. When the final revision is approved by Editor-in-Chief, its publication date is scheduled by Editorial Board for available issue.
Editorial Policy
All manuscripts must be original research article, invited review, short communication, book review, special note which have not been published previously, and are not being considered for publication by other journals. Whole or a part of the text and illustrations should not be published elsewhere without permission. Original raw data must be available for review by the editorial board, if requested. All authors of a manuscript must have agreed to its submission to KJPT and are responsible for the whole content, and must have agreed that the corresponding author has the authority to act on their behalf on all matters pertaining to publication of the paper.
Authorship and Ethical Issues
The authorship should be restricted to those who should meet any of the following conditions: 1) substantial contribution to the conception and design of the study, or acquisition, interpretation and analysis of data; 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for the important intellectual content; and 3) final approval of the version to be published. For the policies on the research and publication ethics, the Code of Research Ethics of Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy should be referred.
Upon submission of a paper, authors will be asked to transfer copyright to the Korean Society of Plant Taxonomists. Copyright Transfer Form, which is available at the KJPT Editorial Manager website (, should be completed and submitted to Editorial Office via the website.
Publication Types
In principle, the journal will accept research article, review, short communication, book review, and special note. Review papers are by invitation only.
Author Guidelines for Evaluating Sex and Gender Analysis in Manuscript
We encourage the use of the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines for reporting of sex (biological) and gender (identity, psychosocial, or cultural) information in study design, data analyses, results and interpretation. Authors should use sex (biological) and gender (identity, psychosocial, cultural) correctly, and describe methods for determining sex/gender. If the research use of one sex, authors should justify the reason. The title and the abstract of articles should specify the sex /gender of research subjects. If sex and/or gender information are not reported, this should be explained.
Preparation of Manuscript
Manuscript should be prepared as MS Word file. It must be written in English with line spacing of 200% (for submitting Korean manuscript, please discuss with the KJPT editorial committee in advance). Research Article consists of title page, abstract and keywords, main text (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion (or Results and Discussion), Acknowledgments, Literature Cited), Tables, Figure legends, Figures, and Appendix. Other types of manuscript may not have Materials and Methods and Results, and authors should consults with Editorial Office before submitting the manuscript.
Title page: The title page should list names and addresses for all authors and should indicate the corresponding author. The title page also provide a running title, color-printed numbers of figures, reprint numbers, telephone & fax numbers and email address of the corresponding author.
ABSTRACT: Abstract should consist of a single paragraph, ranging from 100 to 200 words. In the case of research article except for descriptive papers, it should include question or purpose, experimental design, results or description, and conclusion or implication. Do not cite references in the abstract. A list of Keywords (no more than six words) must be included below the abstract.
Main text:
• Do not italicize common Latin words or phrases (e.g., et al., i.e., sensu, s.l., s.s. etc.).
• Each reference cited in the text must be listed in the Literature Cited section, and vice versa.
• Citation of literature in the text should adopt the following style. When multiple works are cited, arrange them chronologically, and when two or more references were published in the same year, arrange them alphabetically within that year.
One author: (Kim, 1995)
Two authors: (Kim and Lee, 1995)
Three or more authors: (Kim et al., 1995)
Unpublished data: (Kim, in press), (I. Lee, pers. comm.), (S. Kim, pers. obs.), (T. Kang et al., unpubl. data)
Multiple references: (Park, 1973; Lee et al., 1975; Kim, 1995) chronologically arranged
Multiple references for same author: (Choi, 1983, 1985)
Taxonomic Treatment:
• Descriptions of new taxa should include the following: 1) an illustration (line drawing) and/or pictures clearly showing the diagnostic characters, 2) a comparison with its closely related (or sympatric, or similar) taxa in a dichotomous key or table, and 3) a discussion of the characteristics, ecology, geography, or reproductive biology. Authors are encouraged to include information on conservation status, if available.
• Abbreviate subspecies as subsp. or ssp., variety as var., and form as f.
• A dichotomous key should be presented clearly to be able to identify each taxon, and follow the format as appeared in the most recent issue of KJPT.
• Synonyms should be arranged by the publication date, with the oldest one appears first. Each taxonomic synonym is placed in the separate paragraph. Nomenclatural synonyms based on the same basionym should be grouped in one paragraph, each name should be separated by a semicolon (;). All names should include scientific name, authority, citation of original publication with a precise pagination, and publication year. When the types were examined, information of the types such as collection site and date, collectors, collection numbers, specific kind of type, and herbarium that houses the type. An example is provided below:
Neillia incisa (Thunb.) S. H. Oh, Novon 16: 92, 2006; Spiraea incisa Thunb. in Murray, Syst. Veg. 14: 472, 1784; Stephanandra incisa (Thunb.) Zabel, Gart.-Zeitung (Berlin) 4: 510, 1885.—TYPE: Japan. (holotype: UPS (IDC microfiche!)).
Stephanandra flexuosa Siebold & Zucc., Abh. Math.-Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. 3: 740, 1843; Physocarpus flexuosus (Siebold & Zucc.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 219, 1891; Opulaster flexuosus (Siebold & Zucc.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 949, 1891.—TYPE: Japan. Siebold (holotype: L?).
Stephanandra quadrifissa Nakai, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 40: 170, 1926; Stephanandra incisa var. quadrifissa (Nakai) T. B. Lee, Ill. Fl. Kor. 400, 1980.—TYPE: Korea. Kyeonggi-do: Mt. Suraksan, Chung s.n. (holotype: TI).
Stephanandra incisa var. macrophylla Hid. Takahashi, Bull. Kanagawa Pref. Mus., Nat. Sci. 20: 13, 1991.—TYPE: Japan. Honshu: Izu, Kikurajima Isl, Mt. Oyama, elev. 450 m, Jun 1990, Takahashi 77098 (holotype: KPM; isotype: KPM!).
• Specimens examined in each taxon should be arranged by the political province. Specimens from one country are listed in one paragraph with the alphabetical order of collector’s name within the political province. If there are multiple specimens collected by the same collectors, arrange the specimens by the collection date. Specimens with unknown collectors are placed, with the order of collection date, at the end of the list of the political province from which the specimens were collected. Please refer to the most issue of KJPT.
• Abbreviation of journal title should follow B-P-H (Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum; Lawrence et al., 1968, Hunt Botanical Library, Pittsburgh) or B-P-H Supplementum, and that of book follow TL-2 (Taxonomic Literature). Online resources of botanical literature may be found at the Hunt Institute website ( or at the Harvard University Herbarium website (
• Use Index Herbariorum acronyms for designations of herbaria (Thiers, 2016;
Literature Cited:
• Cite references in strict alphabetical order by first
author’s surname.
• Write out journal titles in full. Do NOT use abbreviations
• The following illustrates the example to be cited:
Jeon, Y. C. and S. P. Hong. 2006. A systematic study of Elsholtzia Willd. (Lamiaceae) in Korea. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 36: 309--333. (in Korean)
Cronquist, A., A. Takhtajan and W. Zimmermann. 1969. On the higher taxa of Embryobionta. Taxon 15: 129--134.
Hong, S. P. 2007. Elsholtzia Willd. In The Genera of Vascular Plants of Korea. Park, C.-W. (ed.), Academy Publishing Co., Seoul. Pp. 838--840.
Wendel, J. F. and N. F. Weeden. 1989. Visualization and interpretation of plant isozymes. In Isozymes in Plant Biology. Soltis, D. E. and P. S. Soltis (eds.), Dioscorides Press, Portland. Pp. 5--45.
Linnaeus, C. 1753. Species Plantarum, vol. 1. Laurentius Salvius, Stockholm, 560 pp.
Hijmans, R. 2012. DIVA-GIS. Retrieved Sep. 10, 2012, available from
Swofford, D. L. 2002. PAUP* Phylogenetic analysis using parsimony (* and other methods), version 4.0. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland.
Tables: Vertical and diagonal lines should not be set in type. Use double spacing, especially in the boxheads. * may be used to indicate conventional levels of statistical significance but should also be explained below the table.
Figure legends: Each figures should be accompanied by a title and an explanatory legend. Legends should include sufficient detail to make them intelligible without reference to the text. Symbols indicated in the figure must be identified in the legend text.
Figures: Each figure must be prepared as one file. We only accept the following figure format: JPEG, EPS, TIFF. The resolution should be a minimum of 600 dpi. If a paper is accepted, authors may be asked to submit higher resolution figure files.
Conflicts of Interest: Corresponding author must declare all relevant conflicting interests when the manuscript is submitted. Conflicts include, but not limited to, financial, affiliational, personal, ideological, and academic conflicts and intellectual property. Corresponding author is responsible for co-authors declaring their interests. If there is no conflicts of interest, corresponding author should state this. Undeclared interests may incur sanctions imposed by the Ethics Committee.
Publication Charge: Each article will be charged flat rate of 150,000Won for member for 6 pages. After 6 pages, 20,000Won for member will be charged in each extra page. For color illustration, each color figure will be charged. Thirty reprints will be supplied with free of charge. Additional reprints may be purchased by an order before printing.