The distribution, vegetation characteristics and an assessment of the conservation status of the Korea endemic species Coreanomecon hylomeconoides Nakai were investigated to collect biological basic data to formulate a conservation strategy. According to the distribution map of C. hylomeconoides based on the literature, specimen information, and local field surveys, natural populations of C. hylomeconoides are intensively distributed in the Southern regions of the peninsula, around Gyeongsangnam-do and Jeollanan-do. C. hylomeconoides was distributed in the middle and low slope adjacent to a valley. The altitude ranged from 227 m to 744 m, with inclinations of 5-10o. As a result of a vegetation survey within natural populations, a total of 238 taxa were identified from 29 quadrates in 8 natural populations. The importance value of C. hylomeconoides is 25.34% based on the coverage and frequency of the herbaceous layer with in the populations. The species diversity of the occurrence of the species in 8 natural populations was 1.52, while the averages of species evenness and the dominance values were calculated to be 0.83 and 0.17, respectively. As a result of assessing the conservation status through IUCN Red List criteria, C. hylomeconoides was evaluated as Near Threatened (NT). Conservation strategies are also discussed for the sustainable conservation of C. hylomeconoides.