A cladistic analysis of the subfamily Chelidonioideae was undertaken to reexamine the previous taxonomic treatment of Korean endemic genus Coreanomecon within the subfamily. 10 genera within the subfamily Chelidonioideae and one outgroup taxon from subfamily Papaveroideae were selected for the parsimony analysis. A parsimony analysis of 32 characters resulted in a single most parsimonious tree with consistency indices of 0.81 and tree lengths of 53 steps. The topology obtained from the analysis showed two major lineages: (1) Coreanomecon+Dicranostigma+Glaucium+Chelidonium+ Hylomecon+Stylophorum, and (2) Sanguinaria+Eomecon+Macleaya+Bocconia. The results of cladistic analysis did not supported the placement of Coreanomecon within Chelidonium and Hylomecon because this genus was not grouped together with one of the previously related genera.