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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 33(2); 2003 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2003;33(2): 151-164.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2003.33.2.151
쉽사리속(Lycopus속, 박하족, 꿀풀과) 잎표피 미세구조의 분류학적 검토
문혜경, 홍석표
The taxonomic consideration of leaf epidermal microstructure in Lycopus L. (Mentheae, Lamiaceae)
Hye Gyeong Mun, Seog Pyo Hong
A comparative study was undertaken on the leaves of 15 Lycopus species by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in order to assess leaf epidermal microstructures which may be useful in species identification and to evaluate their significance in the taxonomy. The leaves of investigated taxa are either hypostomatic or amphistomatic, but the former is more frequent. The size range of the guard cells is 8-27×10-25㎛: the smallest one was found in L. australis (8-10×13-16 ㎛), while the largest one was measured to L. asper (24-27×20-25 ㎛). Anomocytic and anisocytic stomatal complex (rarely together with diacytic stomata) are most frequent types, usually both types occur in one leaf. The stomata (i.e., guard cells) are mostly crescent, but rarely almost circular in outline. In surface view both the upper and lower anticlinal cell walls of the subsidiary cells are variable (e.g., sinuate/undulate, straight, or sometimes arched). Five types (three glandular, two non-glandular hairs) of trichome are recognized. The long stalk capitate glandular trichomes are found only in L. amplectens. The distribution, frequency and length of trichomes show considerable variation among the studied taxa.
KeyWords: Leaf epidermal microstructures, stomatal complex, trichomes, non-glandular and glandular hairs, Lycopus, Lamiaceae, SEM
주요어: 잎 표피미세구조, 기공복합체, 모용, 선모, 비선모, 쉽사리속, 꿀풀과, 주사전자현미경
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