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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 44(2); 2014 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2014;44(2): 119-131.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2014.44.2.119
쉬땅나무족(Sorbarieae Rydb, 장미과) 잎의 해부학적 형질 및 분류학적 유용성
송준호 , 홍석표
The taxonomic implication of leaf anatomy in tribe Sorbarieae (Spiraeoideae: Rosaceae)
Jun Ho Song, Suk Pyo Hong
A comparative study of leaf anatomy in tribe Sorbarieae (Adenostoma, Chamaebatiaria, Sorbaria, Spiraeanthus) including one related genus Lyonothamnus was carried out using light microscopy. Anatomical characteristics of the leaf blade and midrib were described and taxonomically evaluated. The anatomical characters which described in this study are as follows: thickness of leaf midrib, blade in cross section, cuticle, epidermal cell, stoma, trichome, mesophyll, crystal, main vasculature type. All features were compared and the vascular patterns of midrib were distinguished two types. - Type 1: Trace tripartite (Adenostoma), Type 2: Trace continuous, subtype 2A: flat arc (Chamaebatiaria, Spiraeanthus), subtype 2B: U-shape arc (Lyonothamnus, Sorbaria). In conclusion, some of leaf anatomical characters (e.g., cuticle, epidermal cell, trichome, mesophyll, main vasculature type) can be useful for diagnostic features. Hypostomatic type, dorsiventral mesophyll, Ushape vasculature type would constitute a major characters for genus Sorbaria in Sorbarieae. The detailed anatomical description of studied taxa is provided, and its systematic importance is also briefly discussed.
KeyWords: Vascular bundle, Leaf anatomy, Sorbaria, Sorbarieae, Rosaceae
주요어: 유관속, 잎 해부, 쉬땅나무속, 쉬땅나무족, 장미과
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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