한국산 비짜루목 및 백합목(백합강)에 대한 분류학적 재검토 |
장창기 , |
A taxonomic review of Korean Asparagales and Liliales (Liliopsida) |
Chang Gee Jang, Martin F. Pfosser |
Abstract |
A systematic review for Korean Liliopsida was carried out with rbcL and atpB sequence data. Congruent phylogenetic trees were obtained from two different data sets. Korean Liliopsida consists of the three orders, Asparagales, Liliales, and Dioscoreales sensu Dahlgren et al. Members of Dioscoreales were used as an outgroup for inferring relationships among Asparagales and Liliales in the molecular studies. Iridaceae showed close relationship to Asparagales both in the rbcL and atpB sequence trees rather than to Liliales. Family Nartheciaceae (previously included within Melanthiaceae s. lat.) appeared as a paraphyletic assemblage basal within Liliales, but did not show relationships to other orders. Genera of Ruscaceae (previously Convallariaceae) like Disporum, Clintonia, and Streptopus had to be transferred to Colchicaceae, Liliaceae, and Calochortaceae, respectively. A revised list of families for Korean members of Liliopsida is suggested. |
Korean Liliopsida, molecular data, Asparagales, Liliales |
한국산 백합강, 분자생물학적 자료, 비짜루목, 백합목 |