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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 44(2); 2014 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2014;44(2): 100-110.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2014.44.2.100
가야산 은분취의 분류학적 재검토
선은미 , 장정원 , 김별아 , 정재민 , 손성원 , 임형탁
A taxonomic reexamination of Saussurea pseudogracilis (Compositae)
Eun Mi Sun, Jeong Won Jang, Byeol Ah Kim, Jae Min Chung, Sung Won Son, Hyoung Tak Im
Saussurea pseudogracilis Kitam. Is characterized by its slender leaves, small involucre and small number of involucral bracts compared to Saussurea gracilis Maxim. But some taxonomists insist that it is hard distinguih s. pseudogracilis from S. pseudogracilis. We tried to discern taxonomic identification of S, pseudogracilis by measuting and analyzing 45 qualitative characters on 165 spec-imen. S. pseudograilis was not distinguished from S. gracilis not only by qualitative characters on 165 spec-imen. S. pseudograilis was not distinguished from S. gracilis not only by qualitative characters but also by quan-titative characters even on statistical analysis(PCA). Therefore, S. pseudogracilis is not independent taxonomic species and it is proper to consider S. pseudogracilis as synonym of S. gracilis.
KeyWords: Compositae, Saussurea pseudogracilis, Saussurea gracilis, principal component analysis
주요어: 국화과, 은분취, 가야산은분취, 주성분분석
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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