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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 30(2); 2000 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2000;30(2): 93-104.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2000.30.2.093
한국산 산형과 묏미나리속 식물의 계통
선병윤, 김태진, 김상태, 서영배, 김철환
Systematics of Ostericum ( Apiaceae ) in Korea
Byung Yun Sun, Tae Jin Kim, Sang Tae Kim, Young Bae Suh, Chul Hwan Kim
The sequences of internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA were determined to evaluate taxonomic delimitation and phylogenetic relationships of the genus Ostericum. Based on the molecular phylogenetic study, Ostericum was approved to stand apart from Angelica and hence should be treated as a distinct genus. In addition the taxonomic circumscription of O. melanotilingia is confirmed. The diagnostic characters of O. praeteritum were merely included in the range of individual variation of O. sieboldi and hence merged into the latter, and Ostericum florenti also should be merged into O. maximowiczii based on the external morphology as suggested by Yoon (1994). The commercially cultivated medicinal plants as A. koreana (“Kanghwal” : Korean name) were neither A. koreana nor O, grosseserratum but A. genuflexa. Conclusively, Korean Ostericum species could be arranged into four species : O. grosseserratum, O. maximowiczii, O, melanotilingia and O. sieboldi.
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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