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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 43(3); 2013 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2013;43(3): 165-167.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2013.43.3.165
한국산 조개나물속(꿀풀과)의 미기록 식물: 분홍꽃조개나물
김선유 , 문순화 , 김진석 , 김중현 , 이병윤
First record of Ajuga nipponensis Makino (Lamiaceae) from Korea
Sun Yu Kim, Soon Hwa Moon, Jin Seok Kim, Jung Hyun Kim, Byoung Yoon Lee
Five taxa of the genus Ajuga L. (Lamiaceae) were known previously in Korea which were mainly distributed in lowland and lower montane areas at 50-1000 m elevation. We report an unrecorded taxon of the genus Ajuga in Korea, namely Ajuga nipponensis Makino. This taxon was discovered at Is. Nok, Boryeong-si, in Chungcheongnam Province. A. nipponensis is found to be distributed along roadsides near villages of the island. A. nipponensis was distinguishable from other Ajuga in Korea by following combination of characters: Stems erect or procumbent, arranged in a dense cluster, corolla whitish-pale pink, 10-12 mm long. This taxon was named ‘Bun-hong-kkot-jo-gae-na-mul’ in Korean based on color of the corolla. The key to the genus Ajuga in Korea is also provided.
KeyWords: Unrecorded, Ajuga nipponensis Makino, Ajuga, Lamiaceae
주요어: 미기록, 분홍꽃조개나물, 조개나물속, 꿀풀과
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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