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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 43(2); 2013 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2013;43(2): 94-98.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2013.43.2.94
팥꽃나무속(팥꽃나무과)의 신종: 제주백서향 (Daphne jejudoensis M. Kim)
이정심 , 이강협 , 소순구 , 최창학 , 김무열
A new species of Daphne(Thymelaeaceae): D. jejudoensis M. Kim
Jung Sim Lee, Kang Hyup Lee, Soon Ku So, Chang Hak Choi, Mu Yeol Kim
A new species, Daphne jejudoensis M.Kim, has been named and described from Seonheul, Jejudo Province, Korea. Daphne jejudonesis shares several characteristics (while calyx colors, long calyx tube, evergreen leaves, leathery leaf textures, etc.) with its related species D. kiusiana, but it is distinct from D. kiusiana which has a hairy calyx tube and lobes, short calyx lobes, oblanceolate leaves (with acute apex),and a different distribution (coastal region in Geojedo Is.) by having a glabrous calyx tube and lobes, long calyx lobes, elliptic leaves (with acuminate apex), and by its distribution (inland region in Jejudo Is.).
KeyWords: Daphne jejudoensis, Daphne kiusiana, Thymelaeaceae
주요어: 제주백서향, 백서향, 팥꽃나무과
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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