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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 43(1); 2013 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2013;43(1): 12-21.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2013.43.1.12
한국산 황기의 분류학적 위치 및 유전적 분화
최인수 , 김소영 , 최병희
Taxonomic position and genetic differentiation of Korean Astragalus mongholicus Bunge
In Su Choi, So Young Kim, Byoung Hee Choi
To clarify the taxonomic position for Astragalus nakaianus and provide correct scientific name for A. mongholicus cultivar in South Korea, we examined external morphological characters and sequence variations from ITS and five cp non-coding DNA regions. Genetic structure was also analyzed for 61 individuals from three populations using nine microsatellite loci. We found no significant difference between the South Korean cultivar and A. mongholicus var. dahuricus when morphology and ITS sequences were considered. Morphologically, A. nakaianus specimens varied somewhat from A. mongholicus var. mongholicus and var. dahuricus in habit, plant height, and lengths of leaf axis and leaflet. Although sequence data from ITS and cp noncoding DNA regions could not distinguished A. nakaianus from A. mongholicus, microsatellite analysis revealed strong structuring between the cultivar and A. nakaianus. Therefore, we conclude that the South Korean A. mongholicus cultivar should be treated as A. mongholicus var. dahuricus and that A. nakaianus should be merged into A. mongholicus as a variety, i.e., A. mongholicus var. nakaianus.
KeyWords: Taxonomic position, Astragalus mongholicus cultivar, Astragalus nakaianus, external morphological characters, genetic differentiation
주요어: 분류학적 위치, 재배황기, 제주황기, 외부형태형질, 유전적분화
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