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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 41(3); 2011 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2011;41(3): 175-181.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2011.41.3.175
Palynological contributions to the taxonomy of family Oleaceae, with special empahsis on genus Forsythia (tribe Forsytheae)
Sang Tae Lee
Received: August 18, 2011  Revised: September 14, 2011   Accepted: September 18, 2011
Traditionally, the Oleaceae has been divided into subfamilies Oleoideae and Jasminoideae. In the present paper, the taxonomical results so far made on the family were reviewed on the basis of palynology. The subfamilial classification is not well supported palynoligically, because both Myxopyrum of Jasminoideae and Comoranthus of Oleoideae having foveolate surface are well distinguished from the rest of the family having reticulate surface. The recent subfamily Nyctanthoideae (Takhtajan, 1977) including the monotypic Nyctanthus, was suggested to be included within the Jasminoideae although its closest relative on the palynological basis is different from that on the molecular basis. Tribal classification systems of the Jasminoideae are not well supported palynologically on the basis of surface character: presence or absence of bands on the mural ridge surface of the reticulum. On the basis of palynology, tribe Forsythiae including Abeliophyllum, Fontanesia, and Forsythia is monophyletic, and Fontanesia is well distinguished from the rest two. Korean species of Forsythia is divided into two: Forsythia koreana group and F. ovata-nakaii-saxatilis group. Recent discovery of F. saxatilis at a locality of F. ovata raised a question if the distinction between the two species on the basis of hairiness would be right. In the recent molecular studies, F. saxatilis var. lanceolata seems to be identified as F. saxatilis. Molecular studies showed that F. saxatilis (seemingly var. lanceolata or var. pilosa) is close to F. koreana. The fact in which the molecular result showed a close relationship between F. saxatilis varieties and F. koreana, is controversial to the result by floral and vegetative morphology. An intensive taxonomic study of these taxa would be needed.
KeyWords: Oleaceae, palynology, Forsythieae, Forsythia, Myxopyrum, Comoranthus
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