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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 41(1); 2011 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2011;41(1): 35-46.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2011.41.1.035
한국산 가지과의 종자 비교형태
공민정 , 이종수 , 홍석표
Comparative seed morphology of Solanaceae in Korea
Min Jung Kong, Jong Su Lee, Suk Pyo Hong
Received: January 14, 2011   Accepted: January 21, 2011
The seed morphology of 22 taxa (12 genera) of Solanaceae in Korea was studied by stereo and scanning electron microscopy, and a detailed description of seed morphological features for all examined taxa is provided. The color of the seed is yellow to black, and the shape is reniform to circular. Its size is 0.56-4.29 mm in length and 0.38-3.20 mm in width. The largest sample was found in Datural metel, while the smallest was in Petunia hybrida. Three different surface types (verrucate, verrucate-reticulate, and reticulate) were recognized in the studied taxa. The top of the anticlinal wall produces appendages known as ``fibrils``. This projection of anticlinal wall was found to be specific to the genus Solanum (S. japonense, S. lyratum, and S. lycopersicum). The morphological features (seed shape, size, color, hilum shape, surface type, and fibrils) of the family Solanaceae in Korea are described and their systematic implications are briefly discussed.
KeyWords: Micromorphology, Seed morphology, SEM, Solanaceae
주요어: 미세형태학, 종자 형태, 가지과
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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