Numerical analyses using 28 morphological characters from 14 populations of four Korean Orostachy species were conducted to investigate infra-specific variation and to test species relationships. The resulting phenogram recognized three distinct clusters, and the polulations of . malacophyllus, O. iwarenge and O. minutus were closely related each other. The populations of O. japonicus from Gaeksanri (Ⅰ) and Gadeuk-do were isolated from the remaining populations of the species, and it suggests that the ranges of morphological variation within the species are significant, and related to the previous cytological variation. The Jungdongjin population of O. malacophyllus was not grouped together with the same species, but was clustered with the populatiosn of the O. japonicus, and suggested that it seems to be an unrelated population in O. malacophyllus. The results of the PCA analysis recognized two distinct groups: the populations of O. japonicus and remaining species populations. The populations of O. malacophyllus, O. minutus and O. iwarenge placed within the closely related species.