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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 33(1); 2003 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2003;33(1): 47-69.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2003.33.1.047
말발도리속 말발도리열의 다변량 형태분석을 통한 분류학적 재고
김휘 , 장진성
A multivariate morphometric study and revision of Deutzia, ser. Parvilforae
Hui Kim, Chin Sung Chang
Flower specimens of one hundred and forth eight individuals from China and Korea were sampled to investigate patterns of intraspecific variation and to evaluate recognition of taxa within series Parviflorae (Deutzia parviflora var. parviflora, var. amurensis, var. micrantha, D. glabrata, and D. mollis; sensu Huang) of sect. Mesoduetiza, genus Deutzia using morphometric analysis. Generally the morphological discontinuity among D. parviflora complex except D. glabrata was not evident in the number of rays, the density of hairs (per 3mm^2), flower size, leaf length, and leaf width. In the PCA, strong discontinuities exist between D. mollis/D. glabrata and D. parviflora complex in plots of PC 1 vs 2 and 1 vs 3. However, much overlap among D. parviflora complex occurs in the left and central regions of the PCA. The best single qualitative character for separating var. parviflora from var. amurensis, however, is a presence of central ray in leaf. Considering the geographical distribution of var. amurensis and var. parviflora with a presence/absence of central ray, continued recognition at the infraspecifc level for these taxa is supported. The current morphological study supports the treatment of sers. Parviflorae and Glabratae within sect. Mesodeutzia as a unified group rather than as two different series (sensu Huang).
KeyWords: Deutzia parviflora complex, D. mollis, central ray, D. glabrata, stellate hair
주요어: 물참대, 성모, 입모
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