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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 32(4); 2002 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2002;32(4): 467-480.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2002.32.4.467
현호색속(현호색과) 6종의 자성배우자체 발달과정
오병운 , 장창기
Development of Female Gametophyte of Six Species of Corydalis (Fumariaceae)
Byoung Un Oh, Chang Gee Jang
The development of the female gametophyte of Corydalis albipetala, C. ambigua, C. filistipes, C. nobilis, C. solida, C. ophiocarpa have been comparatively investigated using laser scanning confocal microscope (LSCM) and light microscope. An archesporium was originated from one of the outmost parietal cells beneath the one-layered epidermis of protuberant nucellus, and acted directly as a megaspore mother cell (MMC). These species had linear tetrads after successional meiotic division during the megasprogenesis. A functional megasprore developed from one of the tetrad in the chalazal end, and the rest three being degenerated. The developmental type of the female gametophyte was monosporic in accordance with the Polygonum type. Prior to anthesis the female gametophyte was organized. So mature embryo sac was comprised a three-celled egg apparatus, three large antipodals were developed from the apex of each antipodal cell, and extended toward micropylar end to be contacted with egg apparatus. Two synergids were usually observed as degenerated condition, and in this time the apices of antipodal haustoria were connected with the degenerated synergids. The developmental characteristics of seven-nucleate female gametophytes were common in all the species investigated. But the shape of mature embryo sac was ovoidal in C. albipetala, C. filistipes, C. ophiocarpa and C. solida, reflexed in C. ambigua, and rather flattened ovoidal in C. nobilis. Also, the type of megasporangium was anatropous in all the species except C. ambigua with campylotropous ovule.
KeyWords: genus Corydalis, female gametophyte, megagametophyte, megasporogenesis, megagametogenesis, antipodal haustorium
주요어: 현호색속, 자성배우자체(대배우자체), 대포자발생과정, 대배우자체발생과정, 반족세포 흡기
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