One of Korean Typha species has been used two scientific names, T. angustifolia L. and T. angustata Bory et Chaubard without taxonomic examinations. Typha angustifolia has a longer females flowers than bracteoles and equal length of bracteoles and hairs in female flowers whereas T. angustata has equal length of female flowers and bracteoles and longer bracteloes than hairs in female flowers. In this study, the pattern of morphological variation of T. angustifolia in Korea is examined using numerical analysis to determine their taxonomical identities. Univariate analysis using morphological characters such as female flower length/bracteole length and bracteole lengh/hair length reveals that Korean T. angustifolia is composed of one group. The result of principal components analysis shows that Korean T. angustifolia is closely related to T. angustifolia distributed in Japan, Russia, and USA. Therefore, T. angustifolia L. (in Korea) is suggested as a legitimate scientific name.