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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 31(3); 2001 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2001;31(3): 253-265.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2001.31.3.253
외부형태 및 해부학적 형질에 의한 큰참나물의 분류학적 위치
Taxonomic position of Cymopterus melanotiligia (H. Boissieu) C.Y. Yoon based on morphological and anatomical characters
Chang-Young Yoon
Cymopterus melanotilingia(Apiaceae) was reviewed by external morphology and cross-section of leaf-margin and mericarp, and the taxonomic position of species and genus was reexamined. Based on these results, the description and a distribution map of C. melanotiligia were obtained. The leaf-margin forms a collenchymatous ridge by projecting toward the lower part. One mericarp has 2-lateral ribs and 2-intermediate ribs and the other mericarp 2-lateral ribs and 1-dorsal rib, suggesting each of them is asymmetric. These characters show that this species does not belong to the genus Ostericum s.s., but should be treated as the genus Cymopterus.
KeyWords: Cymopterus melanotilingia, external morphology, mericarp cross-section
주요어: 큰참나물, 외부형태, 분과횡단면
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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