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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 29(4); 1999 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 1999;29(4): 307-323.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.1999.29.4.307
한국산 광의의 끈끈이장구채속 ( Siilene L. s. lat ) 의 화분형태학적 연구 ( 끈끈이장구채족 - 석죽과 )
홍석표, 이정우, 한매자
Pollen morphology in the genus Silene L. s. lat. ( Sileneae - Caryaphyllaceae ) in Korea.
Suk Pyo Hong, Jung Woo Lee, Mae Ja Han
The pollen of 16 taxa (14 species and 2 forma) in the genus of Silene L. s. lat. (including two genera, Lychnis L., Melandrium Ro¨hling., and also Silene L. s. str.) in Korea was investigated by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The pollen grains are monads, spherical in shape, and 31.13-47.35㎛ in size; aperture is pantopolyporate, very variable in number (10-46); the exine ornamentation is variable both in shape and size. Two types of ektexine structure can be recognized: Type Ⅰ (tectate-punctate with microechinae) and Type Ⅱ (semitectate-reticulate with microechinae). The pollen dimorphism (occurring both Type Ⅰ and Type Ⅱ) has been found in two taxa [Melandrium firmum (S. & Z.) Rohrb. for. pubescens Ohwi and Silene repens Pers.]. In conclusion, it seems, however, the present palynological data of the Korean Silene L. s. lat. were not much useful for the delimitation among the taxa of Silene s. lat. (e.g., Lychnis, Melandrium and Silene s. str.), but it was useful for the interspecific classification.
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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