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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 29(2); 1999 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 1999;29(2): 151-167.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.1999.29.2.151
한국산 참나물속 ( 산형과 ) 의 분류
장근정, 백원기, 이우철
Taxonomy of the genus Pimpinella ( Umbelliferae ) in Korea
Geun Jung Jang, Weon Ki Paik, Woo Tchul Lee
Taxonomic studies based on morphology and anatomy were conducted to investigate interspecific relationships and to reexamine five taxa of the genus Pimpinella in Korea. Morphological differences were observed among species in the degree of leaf cleft and presence or absence of radical leaf at full grown adult. The anatomical characters of stem, leaf and fruit were also described. Especially morphological characters of petioles and pedicel were different among species. According to the above observations of P. koreana, it should be synomized as P. brachycarpa. Also, P. koreana var. uchiyamana was treated as a variety of P. brachycarpa and P. hallaisanensis was described as a new species. In conclusion, the Pimpinella in Korea was three species with two varieties, excluding P. calycina which were not investigated in this study.
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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