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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 27(3); 1997 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 1997;27(3): 379-414.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.1997.27.3.379
국내식물의 종자 성숙기에 관한 고찰 ( 1 )
장진성, 오용자, 최병희
A study of wild germplasm collections for long - term management in Korea
Chin Sung Chang, Young Cha Oh, Byoung Hee Choi
Because of the increase in the human population and the expansion of human-related activity in recent decades, many plant species have become extinct or are on the verge of extinction in Korea. The variation present in wild plant species is a valuable biological resource in this area of genetic engineering. Wild herbs and woody plants of Korea represent a potential resource for improving our agricultural and forestry stocks and drug plants. One of the common forms of germplasm preservation involves storage of seeds. The seeds of 367 taxa from the diverse wild populations were collected by our three research groups in Korea for two years. Research was expanded to present fruiting time for the future successful collections. More than 302 out of 367 taxa (ca. 82%) for two years were collected mainly from September to October. Most of herbaceous seeds matured some one to two months after flowering except Poaceae (ca. three months). Successful long-term projects are recommended to monitor and preserve the seeds under the suitable storage conditions as well as to expand in situ preservation.
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