Phenetic similarity among the infraspecific taxa of Vicia unijuga A. Braun was examined by principal components analysis. Three hundred sixteen individuals from eight taxa in East Asia were employed for the examination of fourteen morphological characters. V unijuga var. kaussanensis H. Lev. was separated from others by principal component 1 and also var. angustifolia Makino and var. apoda Maxim. was distinct from others by principal components 1 and 3. This numerical data showed that var. angustifolia (non Makino) Nakai and var. austro-higoensis Sugimoto could be intergrated into var. unijuga, and then V. linearifolia Y. Lee into V. unijuga var. angustifolia Makino, respectively, The length of inflorescences to leaves showed a clinal variation in V. unijuga.