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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 26(4); 1996 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 1996;26(4): 271-291.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.1996.26.4.271
단풍나무속 일부 종의 ITS 염기서열과 계통학적 고찰
조혜정, 김상태, 서영배, 박종욱
ITS sequences of some Acer species and phylogenetic implication
Hae Jeong Cho, Sang Tae Kim, Young Bae Suh, Chong Wook Park
Sequences of internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA were determined to study phylogenetic relationships among selected sections of the genus Acer. The size of ITS 1 ranged from 230 to 237 bp, and ITS 2 from 227 to 239 bp. The 5.8S was 164 bp. The G+C contents of ITS 1 and 2 were 60.4-64.0% and 60.3-63.8%, respectively and 55.5% for 5.8S. The value of nucleotide divergences was 0-11.50% at intra-sectional level and 3.27-16.51% at intersectional level. The molecular phylogeny based on ITS sequences was considerably different from ones proposed by previous authors on the basis of morphological and chemical features. Section Platanoidea was separated from other sections at the base of the phylogenetic tree and then sect. Macrantha was placed at the base among the remains. Sections Negundo and Caudata constituted a Glade, serving as a sister group of ‘Ginnala-Oblonga-Palmata’ clade. Section Ginnala was placed as the sister group of ‘Oblonga-Palmata’ clade. In the clade of ‘Oblonga-Palmata`, two species of sect. Oblonga were not tied by a monophyly. Acer buergerianum was placed as a sister group to the clade of A. oblongum and three species of sect. Palmata
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