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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 30(1); 2000 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2000;30(1): 1-16.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2000.30.1.001
초롱꽃과 섬초롱꽃 ( 초롱꽃과 ) 의 동위 효소와 형태 형질의 변이
박기룡, 정한진
Isozyme and morphological variation in Campanula punctata and C. takesimana ( Campanulaceae )
Ki Ryong Park, Han Jin Jung
Genetic and morphological variation in Campanula punctata and C takesimana was investigated to test the hypothesis that two species are related as progenitor and derivative. The UPGMA phenogram of morphological characters revealed two distinct clusters, which were concordant with two species. However, the two species were not recognized by the cluster analysis using genetic data. The results of isozyme electrophoretic analysis mostly supported the progenitor-derivative pair relationship between the two species, because 1) the two species had high genetic identity comparable to the value of the conspecific populations in Campanula species, 2) C. takesimana was less variable genetically than its progenitor, C. punctata, and 3) the two species shared most of the high frequency alleles. Camparing island endemic species, the relatively high genetic variation of C. takesimana suggested that it originate from the genetically polymorphic populations of progenitor species, or it should maintain high genetic variation due to the predominant asexual and sexual reproduction.
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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