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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 44(3); 2014 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2014;44(3): 181-187.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2014.44.3.181
DNA 염기서열에 근거한 선인장과 신품종 왕가시천년초, Opuntia humifusa (Raf.) Raf. f. jeollaensis E. J. Kim & S. S. Whang
김은정 , 크리쉬나모르씨스리칸스 , 이은애 , 황성수
Opuntia humifusa (Raf.) Raf. f. jeollaensis E. J. Kim & S. S. Whang, a new forma based on three DNA markers
Eun Jeong Kim, Krishnamooethy Srikanth, Eun Ae Lee, Sung Soo Whang
The taxonomic status of a new forma, Opuntia humifusa (Raf.) Raf. f. jeollaensis E. J. Kim & S. S. Whang, and the taxonomic relationships of three Korean cladodes were studied based on DNA sequences of three genes. The new forma O. humifusa f. jeollaensis (Wanggasi-Chunnyuncho) is simlilar to O. humifusa (Chunnyuncho), but differ in having both flower with the reddish inner center, and strong and many 3 cm long spines. Molecular studies showed that the new forma grouped into Macrocentra series instead of Humifusa series which included Korean O. humifusa. We designated the new taxa firstly studied here as a new forma, because the taxa have been mainly cultivated in farmlands in Jeolla-do area rather than distributed in nature. The taxonomic relationships of three Korean cladodes are discussed in detail.
KeyWords: DNA 마커, Opuntia humifusa f. jeollaensis, a new forma, DNA markers
주요어: 왕가시천년초, 신품종
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