한국 미기록 식물: 아기쌍잎난초(난과) |
소지현 , 정미숙 , 정영순 , 이남숙 |
First record of Neottia japonica (Orchidaceae) from Korea |
Ji Hyeon So, Mi Sook Chung, Young Sun Chung, Nam Sook Lee |
Abstract |
ith T-shaped lamella and auricles embracing column, and flowering in the spring. The local name was given as “A-gi-ssangnip-nan-cho” based on the cuter and smaller plant than N. pinetorum. The description and illustrations of the species on morphological characters, voucher specimens, and photograph at the habitat are provided. |
Neottia japonica, Orchidaceae, Korea |
아기쌍잎난초, 난과, 한국 |