한국산 사초속 3개절(검정사초절, 대택사초절, 낚시사초절)의 분류학적 연구 |
오용자, 성언수 |
A taxanomic study on sections Montanae, Limosae, and Paniceae of Carex L. in Korea(Cyperaceae) |
Yong Ja Oh, Eon Su Seong |
Abstract |
Morphological characters of sections Montanae (one taxon), Limosae (one taxon) and Paniceae(seven taxa) of genus Carex (Cyperaceae) were reexamined. The epidermal patterns of perigynuum, achene and leaf were investigated using by a scanning microscope (SEM) and a light microscope (LM). Morphological characters such as length and width of stem, leaf, leaf sheath, bract, spike, scale, perigynium and beak of perigynium, length of spike peduncle, size and frequency of stomatal complex of leaf, number of bract, shape of stem transection, scale and apex of scale, beak and base of perigynuim, achene, epidermal cell and cell wall of perigynium, achene, leaf epidermal patterns(fundamental epidermal cell and cell wall, silica body, subsidiary cell), hair, papillae present/absent of perigynium and leaf were useful for the identification of observed nine taxa. According to the current study, examined nine taxa of sections Motanae, Limosae, and Paniceae were distint from each other regarding length and width stem, leaf, bract, perigynium, perigynium beak, length of spike peduncle, shape of bract, scale and apex of scale, perigynium, perigynium beak, hair present/absent of perigynium and leaf. The key based on data was presented here. |
Montanae, Limosae, Paniceae, Perigynium & achene, epidermal pattern |
검정사초절, 대택사초절, 낚시사초절, 과낭과 수과의 표피세포의 모양, 주사전자현미경 |