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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 31(4); 2001 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2001;31(4): 343-358.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2001.31.4.343
소백산 초오속 초오아속(미나리아재비과) 식물의 잡종형성
임채은 , 박종욱
Hybridization in Aconitum subgenus Aconitum at Mt. Sobaek in Korea
Chae Eun Lim, Chong-Wook Park
We have examined the pedicel pubescence and other major morphological characters of 11 putative hybrid populations of Aconitum subgn. Aconitum at Mt. Sobaek to understand their origin. These populations show very complicated patterns of variation in pedicel pubescence ; they contain individuals having pedicels (1) completely glabrous, (2) with few micropapillate curved hairs near the receptacle, (3) moderately pubescent with micropapillate curved hairs from middle to upper portion, (4) sparsely pubescent with a mixture of micropapillate curved hairs and smooth-surfaced spreading glandular hairs near the receptacle, and (5) moderately pubescent with both types of hairs but from middle to upper portion. These results, in conjunction with evidence from the analysis of other major morphological characters, suggest that the populations at Mt. Sobaek were derived from the multiple hybridization events involving A. kusnezoffii, A. japonicum subsup. napiforme, and A. jaluense subsp. jaluense. In addition, the absence of “typical” forms of these putative parental taxa in Mt. Sobaek area suggests that repeated introgression has probably occurred in these populations.
KeyWords: Aconitum subgn, Aconitum, pedicel pubescence, morphological analysis, multiple hybridization, introgression
주요어: 초오아속, 소화경, 주성분분석, 다원 잡종, 유전자 침투
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