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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 31(2); 2001 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2001;31(2): 91-106.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2001.31.2.091
광의의 댕강나무속 식물 ( 인동과 ) 의 화분 및 세포분류학적 연구
김태진, 선병윤, 서영배
Palynology and cytotaxonomy of the genus Abelia s. l. , Caprifoliaceae
Tae Jin Kim, Byung Yun Sun, Young Bae Suh
Characteristics of pollen and chromosomes of Abelia s. l. were investigated to reconfirm the generic circumscription. Pollen characteristics including morphology, annulus and wall sculpturing supported separation of Zabelia from Abelia:genus Abelia with spheroidal shape, echinate sculpture and no annulus and genus Zabelia with subprolate shape, psilate wall and well defined annulus. However, the genus Abelia s. s. was not well separated from genus Linnaea palynologically. Through cytological study, the chromosome numbers of the following six species of Abelia s. s. and Zabelia were reproted newly:Abelia chinensis (2n=32), A. serrata (2n=32), A. spathulata (2n=32), Zabelia tyaihyonii (2n=36), Z. integrifolia (2n=36) and Z. mosanensis (2n = 36). The two genera, Abelia and Zabelia, were also well recognized cytologically in having different basica chromosome numbers as x=8 for Abelia and x=9 for Zabelia.
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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