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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 30(4); 2000 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2000;30(4): 355-361.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2000.30.4.355
한국 고유 관속식물 3 종의 분류학적 실체
김철환, 김태진, 선병윤
Taxonomic Identities of some endemic Korean vascular plants
Chul Hwan Kim, Tae Jin Kim, Byung Yun Sun
Taxonomic identities of three endemic vascular plants from the flora of Korea, Chloranthus koreanus (Chloranthaceae), Physocarpus insularis (Rosaceae) and Sedum rotundifolium (Crassulaceae) were reconsidered. In comparison with type specimens deposited at TI and LE and specimens collected from various regions of Korea, Japan and Russia, P. insularis, endemic to Ullung Island off the east coast of Korea, should be included in Spiraea chamaedrifolia var. ulmifolia found in north of Mt. Chiri in Korean peninsula. Also, Sedum rotundifolium, confined to Kyungbuk Province, was included to S. ussuriense whose distribution range is along the northern border of Korea and the seashore near Vladivostoc, Russia. Chloranthus koreanus, formerly treated as either a variety of C. fortunei or C. japonicus, was revealed to include within the range of variation of C. fortunei and hence treated as a same species.
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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