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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 30(4); 2000 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2000;30(4): 269-285.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2000.30.4.269
한국산 장미과 오이풀속에 관한 분류학적 연구
이정란, 이병윤, 김윤식
A taxonomic study of Korean taxa of the Rosaceae genus Sanguisorba
Jeong Ran Lee, Byoung Yoon Lee, Yun Shik Kim
Taxonomic studies based on external morphology and anatomical features were conducted on five taxa within the Rosaceae genus Sanguisorba in Korea. Vegetative characters coming from both radical and cauline leaves show continuous and much variation in their shapes and numbers, suggesting these characters less informative for identifying Sanguisorba species. Anatomical features are similar in all taxa investigated here, but the formation of a stem rib was observed exclusively in S. tenuifolia. In contrast, characters derived from filament and stamen were recognized as valuable ones in identifying each taxon. In particular, the numbers of stamen and shape of filament serve as key characters in identifying S, hakusanensis and S. tenuifolia, respectively. On the basis of these characters the key to the species of Sanguisorba in Korea was provided.
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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