This study was conducted to elucidate the delimitations of 16 taxa of Euonymus in Korea and to discuss the infrageneric classification system among the treated taxa by cluster analysis and principle components analysis (PCA) using 107 OTUs with 60 morphological characters. Based on the results of cluster analyses by the Ward and the UPGMC methods, there were similarities on the composition of clustered taxa and distinct discontinousity independently among the species. The treated taxa were divided into five groups by the PC1, PC2 and PC3, and the sums of contributions for the total variance were 83.2% (PC1 38.4%, PC2 27.5% and PC3 17.2%, respectively). This study suggested that there were taxonomic problems on the limits and composition of taxa in sect. Biloculares. The current study supported the infrageneric system of Euonymus proposed by Blakelock.