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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 41(2); 2011 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2011;41(2): 144-155.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2011.41.2.144
복수초(미나리아재비과)의 종내분류군에 대한 분류
손동찬 , 고성철
Taxonomy of the infraspecific taxa of Adonis amurensis Regel et Radde (Ranunculaceae)
Dong Chan Son, Sung Chul Ko
Received: June 3, 2011   Accepted: June 8, 2011
The infraspecific taxa of Adonis amurensis Regel et Radde are currently known to include one subspecies (subsp. nanus Y. Lee), two varieties (var. ramosa Makino, and var. dissectipetalis Y. Lee) and two forms (for. argentatus Y. Lee, and for. viridescensicalyx Y. Lee). Among them, the remaining three taxa except for subsp. nanus and var. dissectipetalis are unified with A. amurensis. Therefore, we examined the morphological characteristics and geographical distribution of A. amurensis in effort to elucidate the taxonomic status of subsp. nanus and var. dissectipetalis. After the subsp. nanus samples had been transplanted from their type locality, i.e. highland at more than 1,000 m above sea level, to a lowland habitat, we measured the samples` morphological characteristics. The range of values we recorded of the plant height and floral diameter from the subsp. nanus samples were within the parameters used to characterize A. amurensis. Accordingly, subsp. nanus has been characterized as an ecophene of A. amurensis. It is considered as a synonym of A. amurensis. Among the populations of A. amurensis (sensu Y.Lee, author), those with highly dissected petals at their apices have previously been described as var. dissectipetalis. However, this characteristic has been observed together with obtuse or rounded petal apices not only in one population but also in a single individual. However, populations with these characteristics belong to A. pseudoamurensis due to the simultaneous development of leaves and flowers, branched stems, acute leaf apices, and petals that are shorter than sepals. Therefore, we suggest that A. amurensis var. dissectipetalis be unified with A. pseudoamurensis. Very useful characteristics for distinguishing A. amurensis from its relative species are anthesis, the presence or absence of branches, the development of scales into normal leaves, the relative length of the sepals and petals, and the position of the stipules. A. amurensis is geographically restricted to E. Asia, including E. Siberia, and especially on the Korean Peninsula, it is distributed throughout the northern provinces of Gyeonggi province and in Gangwon province, Gyeongbuk province (Mt. Bohyeon-san) and Jeonbuk province (Mt Jeoksang-san) along Baekdudaegan mountain.
KeyWords: Adonis L., Adonis amurensis, subsp. nanus, var. dissectipetalis
주요어: 복수초속, 복수초, 애기복수초, 갈기복수초
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