The taxonomic status of Angelica purpuraefolia and its allies in Korea: Inferences based on ITS molecular phylogenetic analyses
Byoung Yoon Lee, Myoung Hai Kwak, Jeong Eun Han, Se Jung Kim
Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 2011;41(3):209-214.   Published online 2011 Sep 30     DOI:
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Redefining the phylogenetic relationships of European Angelica (Apiaceae) species
Claudia González-Toral, Andrea Estandía, Marta Pérez, Thomas E. Holloway, Herminio S. Nava, José Antonio Fernández Prieto, Eduardo Cires
Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealin.2024; 158(1): 155.     CrossRef