Taxonomy and geographical distribution of the Laboulbeniales in Asia
Yong Bo Lee
Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 1986;16(2):89-185.   Published online 1986 Aug 30     DOI:
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Laboulbeniomycetes (Fungi, Ascomycota) of Denmark
Sergi Santamaria, Jan Pedersen
European Journal of Taxonomy.2021; 781: 1.     CrossRef
Studies on Interesting Species of the Laboulbeniales Collected from Korea
Yong-Bo Lee, Seung-Tae Cha, Sang-Hee Park, Chae-Kyu Lim, Young-Hee Na
Mycobiology.2011; 39(3): 219.     CrossRef
Note on Some Species of the Laboulbeniales Newly Collected from Korea(2011)
Yong-Bo Lee, Chae-Kyu Lim, Young-Hee Na
The Korean Journal of Mycology.2011; 39(2): 136.     CrossRef
Notes on Species Belonging to the GenusCoreomyces(Laboulbeniales) Collected from Java Island, Indonesia
Yong-Bo Lee, Young-Hee Na, Sung-Jun Kim, Chae-Kyu Lim
Mycobiology.2008; 36(2): 134.     CrossRef
Notes on Two Species of the Laboulbeniales from Tibet
Yong-Bo Lee, Young-Hee Na, Chae-Kyu Lim
Mycobiology.2006; 34(1): 41.     CrossRef
Interesting Species of the Laboulbeniales from Upo Swamp
Yong-Bo Lee, Kyoung-Tag Kim, Chae-Kyu Lim
Mycobiology.2002; 30(3): 128.     CrossRef
Taxonomy and morphology of Amorphomyces (Laboulbeniales)
Sergio Santamaria
Mycological Research.2000; 104(11): 1389.     CrossRef
Notes on Laboulbenia coneglanensis (Ascomycetes, Laboulbeniales) in Japan
Katsuyuki Terada
Mycoscience.1998; 39(4): 425.     CrossRef
New records of the carabidicolous Laboulbeniales (Ascomycetes) of Japan
Katsuyuki Terada
Mycoscience.1998; 39(1): 77.     CrossRef
Notes on the Laboulbeniales of Sulawesi. The genus Rickia
Alex Weir
Mycological Research.1998; 102(3): 327.     CrossRef
Laboulbenia pterostichi and its allies
Walter Rossi, Alex Weir
Mycological Research.1997; 101(2): 129.     CrossRef
Taxonomic notes on Monoicomyces with descriptions of two new species
Sergio Santamaria
Mycological Research.1996; 100(10): 1179.     CrossRef
Further records of Laboulbeniales from collections of British Coleoptera
Alex Weir
Mycological Research.1994; 98(4): 433.     CrossRef