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Genetic Variation and Conservation of the Endangered Species Cotoneaster wilsonii (Rosaceae) from Ulleung Island
Ji Won Park, Jun Soo Lee, Soon Ku So, Mu Yeol Kim
Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 2009;39(3):125-129. Published online September 30, 2009 DOI:
130 |
Sium ternifolium (Apiaceae), a new species from Korea
Byoung Yoon Lee, Sung Chul Ko
Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 2009;39(3):130-134. Published online September 30, 2009 DOI:
135 |
Phylogeny of the family Ophioglossaceae with special emphasis on genus Mankyua
Byung Yun Sun, Tae Gyu Baek, Young Dong Kim, Chan Soo Kim
Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 2009;39(3):135-142. Published online September 30, 2009 DOI:
143 |
Taxonomic reexamination of new species described by Leveille in the serial papers of Decades plantarum novarum 2. New species currently treated as taxonomic synonyms of other species
Hyun Chur Shin, Young Dong Kim
Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 2009;39(3):143-169. Published online September 30, 2009 DOI:
170 |
A cytotaxonomic study of Allium (Alliaceae) seact. Sacculiferum in Korea
Eun Mi Ko, Hyeok Jae Choi, Byoung Un Oh
Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 2009;39(3):170-180. Published online September 30, 2009 DOI:
181 |
A reappraisal of Sambucus pendula Nakai on Ulleung Island and its allies
Hyo In Lim, Kae Sun Chang, Heung Soo Lee, Chin Sung Chang, Hui Kim
Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 2009;39(3):181-192. Published online September 30, 2009 DOI:
193 |
Cytogenetic Study of Maackia amurensis Rupr. & Maxim. And M. fauriei(Levl.) Takeda Using Karyotyping Analysis and the FISH Technique
Soo Young Kim, Chan Soo Kim
Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 2009;39(3):193-198. Published online September 30, 2009 DOI:
199 |
Description of the phytoliths of the genus Oryza, with a key to species
Sung Soo Whang
Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 2009;39(3):199-215. Published online September 30, 2009 DOI:
216 |
Chromosome study of Galium elegans and G. asperifolium (Rubiaceae) from Yunnan, China
Keum Seon Jeong, Sang Woo Lee, Jae Hong Pak
Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 2009;39(3):216-219. Published online September 30, 2009 DOI:
220 |
C-banded karyotypes of Allium (Alliaceae) sect. Sacculiferum in Korea
Eun Mi Ko, Hyeok Jae Choi, Byoung Un Oh
Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 2009;39(3):220-228. Published online September 30, 2009 DOI:
229 |
A new record for the Korean flora: Nervilia nipponica Makino (Orchidaceae)
Chan Soo Kim, Myung Ok Moon, Jung Goon Koh
Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 2009;39(3):229-232. Published online September 30, 2009 DOI:
233 |
Triodanis Raf. ex Greene (Campanulaceae), first report for Korea
Chang Shook Lee, Mi Sook Chung, Yeong Soon Chung, Nam Sook Lee
Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 2009;39(3):233-236. Published online September 30, 2009 DOI: