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Morphological and molecular evidence of the hybrid origin of Crepidiastrum ×muratagenii in Korea
Young-Jong JANG, Boem Kyun PARK, Dong Chan SON, Byoung-Hee CHOI
Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 2022;52(2):85-96. Published online June 30, 2022 DOI:
97 |
Saussurea namhaedoana (Compositae), a new species from Namhaedo Island, Korea
Eun-Mi SUN, Seon A YUN, Seung-Chul KIM, Jae-Min CHUNG, Hyoung-Tak IM
Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 2022;52(2):97-101. Published online June 30, 2022 DOI:
102 |
A study of the chromosome number and genome size of the rare species Rhododendron keiskei var. hypoglaucum in Korea
Bokyung CHOI, Hyeonjin KIM, Hye-Joo BYUN, Geun-Hye GANG, Yongsoon LEE, Hyeon-Ho MYEONG, Soonku SO, Tae-Soo JANG
Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 2022;52(2):102-107. Published online June 30, 2022 DOI:
108 |
Amblovenatum immersum (Thelypteridaceae): A new record for the flora of Vietnam
Doan Hoang SON, Do Van HAI, Bui Hong QUANG, Cheng Wei CHEN, La Anh DUONG, Trinh Van HIEU, Ritesh Kumar CHOUDHARY, Joongku LEE
Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 2022;52(2):108-113. Published online June 30, 2022 DOI:
114 |
Characteristics of the complete plastid genome sequence of Lindera angustifolia (Lauraceae) in the geographically separated northern edge
Amarsanaa GANTSETSEG, Jung-Hyun KIM, Chang Woo HYUN, Eun-Kyeong HAN, Jung-Hyun LEE
Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 2022;52(2):114-117. Published online June 30, 2022 DOI:
118 |
The complete chloroplast genome of Aruncus aethusifolius (Rosaceae), a species endemic to Korea
Jongsun PARK, Hwa-Jung SUH, Sang-Hun OH
Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 2022;52(2):118-122. Published online June 30, 2022 DOI:
123 |
The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Hibiscus sabdariffa (Malvaceae)
Soon-Ho KWON, Yunmi PARK, You Lim JANG, Hae-Yun KWON
Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 2022;52(2):123-126. Published online June 30, 2022 DOI: