Research and Publication Ethics | > For Authors and Reviewers > Research and Publication Ethics |
Article 1 (Purpose)
This Code defines the ethical principles and standards all members of the Korean Society of Plant Taxonomists (hereafter KSPT) must comply in their conduct of research.
Article 2 (Applicability)
All members of KSPT must ensure full compliance
to the Code on Research Ethics and must maintain
academic fidelity in their education, research, and
related activities.
Article 3 (Researcher's personal integrity)
1. Researchers must maintain a high level of
personal integrity in their research. Here, integrity
refers to honesty with respect to all areas of research
including finding ideas, designing experiments,
analysis of experiment results, use of research funds,
publication of research, fair compensation to research
participants, and others.
2. Plagiarism, fraud, fabrication, forgery, falsification,
and such shall be considered as a serious criminal act
and all researchers must provide their best efforts to
avoid involvement in such acts.
3. In the event where the researcher finds that his/
her interest, interest of others, or interest of other
organizations are in conflict or finds possibility of
such, the details must be disclosed and appropriate
actions must be undertaken.
Article 4 (Authorship)
Author is required to satisfy all of the conditions listed below, otherwise it is a contributor.
1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
3. Final approval of the version to be published; AND
4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved
Article 5 (Rules on what constitutes plagiarism)
1. The KSPT defines plagiarism as an act where a
researcher makes arbitrary use, intentionally and also
unintentionally, of other's intellectual property without
proper accreditation.
2. The KSPT deems the below three forms of
conduct as typical acts of plagiarism:
① Arbitrary use of ideas, logic, distinct terms,
data, and analysis structure belonging to another
author without proper accreditation;
② Although the source has been mentioned, 4 or
more words from another writing or paper have been
quoted without change and without quotation marks;
③ Ideas, tables, diagrams, and distinct ways of
expression from another writing or paper have been
used without change and without proper accreditation.
3. Where it is found that a paper published in the
KSPT Journal has been published in duplicate
(redundant publication), such shall also be considered
as an act of plagiarism.
Article 6 (Determination of plagiarism)
1. The KSPT's editorial board shall be tasked to
make the initial decision on whether there has been
an act of plagiarism and what sanctions are necessary
against papers already published on the KSPT Journal
or papers under review.
2. Research ethics committee shall be convened in the
event where there is a dispute or allegation that there has
been violation of KSPT Code of Research Ethics, and shall
review and determine the question of violation and sanctions.
Article 7 (Sanctions for plagiarism)
Depending on the seriousness of violation, the following sanctions shall be issued against the research paper and its author(s) where the research ethics committee finds plagiarism.
1. A letter of reprimand sent by the Society
2. Subject research paper deleted from KSPT Journal
3. Ban on future paper submission (lasting 3 years)
4. Details of violation will be notified on KSPT website
5. Details of violation will be notified to organization
/institution that the person is a member of
Article 8 (Formation of research ethics committee)
1. In order to achieve the purposes of this Code of
Research Ethics, research ethics committee shall be
established and maintained.
2. The head of the editorial board shall also be the
chair of research ethics committee. The committee
shall consist of one chair and 5 committee members.
3. Research ethics committee members shall be
selected through a recommendation by the directorial
board and general meeting vote
4. The tenure of the chair and members of research
ethics committee shall be 2 years.
Article 9 (Purpose of research ethics committee)
The KSPT research ethics committee shall perform
the role for making relevant decisions on issues arising
from a KSPT member's violation of the rules and code
of ethics.
Article 10 (Functions of research ethics committee)
1. Determination of whether there was a violation
of ethics code made by the member in question and
establishing necessary rules.
2. Evaluation and making relevant decisions on
violations within 60 days of receipt.
3. Deciding on the types of sanctions such as
expulsion, suspension, public apology, and others, and
publicizing such sanctions relating to the violation
itself and against the individual.
Article 11 (Operations of research ethics committee)
1. The research ethics committee shall convene upon
request of the president of the Society or when the
chair of research ethics committee deems necessary.
2. The quorum required for the research ethics
committee shall be a majority of the committee
members and decisions shall be made through majority
vote. The chairperson, considered as a member of the
committee, shall be counted in the quorum but shall
not be given voting powers.
3. The research ethics committee may, based on
this set of rules, implement its own internal operating
procedure for effective management of the committee.
Article 12 (Reporting violations of Code of Research
1. In order to report and formally arraign a
violation of research ethics code, 20 signatures from
full members are required.
2. Any officer or member arraigned before the
research ethics committee for violation of the ethics
code must cooperate and comply with committee
Article 13 (Right to defend and confidentiality)
1. Individuals arraigned for violation of Code of
Research Ethics shall retain all rights as a member
before the allegations are found to be true.
2. Individuals arraigned for violation of research
ethics code shall be given sufficient opportunity to
defend and explain
3. Until such a time when findings and decisions
are made final, research ethics committee members
shall not disclose the identity of the person under
Article 14 (Amending operating procedures of
research ethics committee)
Amendment of research ethics committee's operating
procedure shall follow the amendment procedures
applicable to KSPT articles of association.
Article 15 (Others)
Any matter not stipulated in these rules shall be
determined by the ruling of the directorial board
which shall also be governed by the Code of Ethics
in Science and Technology provided by the Korean
Federation of Science and Technology Societies.
1. This research ethics code, after deliberation by
the directorial board and general meeting’s vote, takes
effect as of March 1, 2020.