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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 40(4); 2010 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2010;40(4): 202-207.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2010.40.4.202
EAPDC Symposium : Biological indicators to monitor responses against climate change in Korea
Byoung Yoon Lee, Gi Heum Nam, Jong Hak Yun, Ga Youn Cho, Jin Sung Lee, Jin Han Kim, Tae Seo Park, Ki Gyoung Kim, Kyoung Hee Oh
Received: November 23, 2010   Accepted: November 26, 2010
The most useful criteria and selection procedures of biological indicators have been developed in Korea because they have taken into account local and national concerns on biological responses against climate change. On the basis of these criteria and selection procedures, 100 climate-sensitive biological indicator species were selected to predict biodiversity distribution shift by climate change and manage biological resources integratedly at the national level. It is expected that selection and monitoring of biological indicators by climate change will provide significant information to prepare protective strategies of vulnerable species against climate change and adaptive policies under the changing environment in Korea. In this paper, we have reviewed what kinds of criteria were considered in selecting bioindicators to assess responses of biological organisms against climate change. Definition and selection steps of bioindicators were proposed, and the 100 species of climate-sensitive biological indicators were selected out of 33,253 taxa reported in Korea.
KeyWords: Bioindicator, Climate change, Global warming, GEO BON
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