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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 29(2); 1999 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 1999;29(2): 123-134.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.1999.29.2.123
협의의 Polygonum 속과 Polygonella 속 ( 마디풀족 - 마디풀과 ) 의 수과 미세구조의 분류학적 검토
오일찬, 홍석표
A taxonomic study of achene microstructure in the genera Polygonum L. s. str. and Polygonella Michx. ( Polygoneae - Folygonaceae)
Il Chan Oh, Suk Pyo Hong
Achene micromorphological features of 12 species representing Polygonum L. s. str. and Polygonella Michx. have been studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Achenes are mostly trigonous but rarely lenticular, and three types (e.g., smooth, papillose, reticulate) of surface patterns were recognized. Surface pattern is papillose (in most studied taxa) or smooth (P. molliaeforme) in Polygonum sect. Polygonum; smooth in P. sect. Tephis; smooth/partially papillose, or reticulate in P. sect. Duravia; smooth and partially papillose type in both subgenera (subg. Thysanella, subg. Polygonella) of the genus Polygonella. The taxonomic significance of achene micromorphological features in identification and relationship between the studied taxa is discussed, the key is given. In addition, the ecological adaptation of achene morphology is also briefly discussed.
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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