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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 27(2); 1997 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 1997;27(2): 233-275.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.1997.27.2.233
GIS 기법을 이용한 한국산 사초과 식물의 분포도
오용자, 이창숙, 장재훈, 이금숙
The distribution maps of the Korean Cyperaceae constructed by the GIS technique
Yong Cha Oh, Chang Shook Lee, Jae Hoon Jang, Keum Sook Lee
This study was carried out to clarify distributions of seventy five taxa of twelve genera in Korean Cyperaceae. Maplnfo program, which was a powerful GIS for mapping, was applied to the study. The investigated sedges were 1 species and 1 variety of Bulbostylis, 17 species and 1 variety of Cyperus, 5 species, 3 varieties and 3 forms of Eleocharis, 3 species of Eriophorum, 9 species, 4 varieties and 3 forms of Fimbristylis 1 species of Fuirena 1 species of Kobresia, 1 species of Kyllinga, 1 species of Lipocarpha, 5 species of Rhynchospora 3 subspecies and 2 varieties of Scirpus and 1 species of Scleria We illustrated distributions of 12 genera among these species. Some species of Rhynchospora Fuirena, Kobresia, Eriophorum and Scleria disappeared in certain regions, and this phenomenon was clearly demonstrated in Eriophorum gralcile. Fuirena ciliaris, Kobresia bellardii, Rhynchospora chinensis and Scleria parvula We emphasized the preservation of the ecosystem to maintain the plant diversity.
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