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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 42(3); 2012 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2012;42(3): 215-221.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2012.42.3.215
AFLP에 의한 한국산 새우난초속 식물과 그의 수종 돌연변이에 대한 분류학적 연구
스리칸스 , 구자춘 , 구자정 , 최경 , 박광우 , 소순구 , 최용국 , 황성수
Taxonomy of Korean Calanthe species and few of its mutants based on AFLP data
Krishnamoorthy Srikanth, Ja Choon Koo, Ja Jung Ku, Kyung Choi, Kwang Woo Park, Soon Ku So, Yong Gook Choi, Sung Soo Whang
Five Korean Calanthe species, C. discolor, C. bicolor, C. sieboldii, C. reflexa, and C. aristulifera, were studied using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) to assess their taxonomic and genetic relationships. Sixteen accessions belonging to five native Calanthe spp. and mutants with yellow tepal and white lip (YW mutants) were studied. We identified 50 putative markers using AFLP analysis. The results of AMOVA showed that genetic variance was higher between species than within species. Genetic dissimilarity when com-pared with the rest of the species was the lowest for individuals of the YW mutants and the highest for individual of C. reflexa. The mutants clustered outside the major group. Calanthe bicolor clustered with C. discolor, suggesting that its genetic composition is closer to that of C. discolor. Though it is suggested to have originated as a result of natural hybridization between C. sieboldii and C. discolor, introgression is likely to have occurred in the direction of C. discolor based on the data of molecular marker, clustering and genetic dissimilarity. Calanthe reflexa and C. aristulifera were genetically the most diverse of the species studied. In conclusion, the results showed that there is genetic diversity in Korean Calanthe species, that C. bicolor introgressed in the direction of C. discolor and that the YW mutants are genetically closer to C. sieboldii.
KeyWords: Korean Calanthe, molecular marker, genetic distance, UPGMA
주요어: 한국산 새우난초속, 분자 마커, 유전적 거리
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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