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Korean J. Pl. Taxon > Volume 32(2); 2002 > Article
Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 2002;32(2): 177-191.
doi: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2002.32.2.177
고유종 두메대극 ( Euphorbia fauriei ) 과 넓게 분포하는 대극 ( E. pekinensis ) 의 형태적 , 유전적 다양성 비교 ( 대극과 )
박기룡, 정한진, 김주환, 정규영, 오병운
Comparisons of morphological and genetic diversity between endemic Euphorbia fauriei and widespread E. pekinensis ( Euphorbiaceae)
Ki Ryong Park, Han Jin Jung, Joo Hwan Kim, Gyu Young Chung, Byoung Un Oh
Genetic and morphological variation in two species of Euphorbia, Jeju island endemic E. fauriei and widespread E. pekinensis, was investigated using starch gel electrophoresis and numerical analysis. The high genetic identity between the two species and a significant number of unique alleles such as PGI-1^c, MDH-2^b, 6PGD-1^c, GA3PD-1^a and ADH-1^c in E. fauriei suggest that they may recently be originated from a common ancestor rather than the progenitor-derivative relationships. The higher level of genetic diversity in E. fauriei is unusual of species with limited geographic distribution. The relatively high levels of genetic diversity found among populations of E. fauriei indicates that the Jeju island may play an important refuge during the Pleistocene glaciation.
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Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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